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Penetration Testing for SMBs: Why It's Crucial for Cybersecurity
Written by:
Alisha Widianti

Do You Really Need Penetration Testing?

As a small-medium sized business (SMB), this is a question we all can relate to. “Do you really need penetration testing?” The truth is, SMBs experienced 699 cybersecurity incidents compared to the 496 of larger businesses, which means that SMBs are more likely to experience cybersecurity attacks compared to enterprises, according to the 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report conducted by Verizon. This could be because of limited resources, causing lower cybersecurity defenses.

At the end of the day, in the face of data breaches and widespread cyber attacks, it’s dangerous not to implement a penetration testing process, including for small businesses. In this blog, we’ll explore why it’s vital to conduct penetration tests, and how penetration testing benefits small businesses.

What Is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing sounds like a daunting phrase at first. To put it simply, penetration testing, or ‘pen test’ or ‘ethical hacking’ for short, is a simulated form of cyber attack performed on your systems by an ethical hacker. The purpose is to discover any security vulnerabilities within your systems that a criminal hacker could exploit for malicious purposes.

Penetration testers use the same methods as criminal hackers, replicating their approach as closely as possible. By doing so, organizations can see their systems in the same way an attacker would – identifying vulnerabilities and the ways in which they are leveraged.

After the pentest, the ethical hacker creates a report advising the organization on the steps it can take to improve its defenses and prevent cyber attacks.

What Are The Different Types Of Pentesting?

There are two common forms of pentesting: Black-box pentesting and White-box pentesting.

  • Black-box pentesting tests your systems’ security like an external hacker. The external hacker doesn’t have internal knowledge of your systems, including architecture diagrams or not publicly available source code. The results of a black-box pentest determine the system’s vulnerabilities that can be exploited from outside the network.
  • White-box testing goes by several different names, including clear-box, open-box, auxiliary, and logic-driven testing. It falls on the opposite end of the spectrum from black-box testing: penetration testers are given full access to source code, architecture documentation, and so forth. The main challenge with white-box testing is looking through the massive amount of data available to identify potential points of weakness, making it the most time-consuming type of penetration testing. Even so, white-box pen testing helps ensure your systems are robust and maintainable.

Why Is Pentesting Important?

There are plenty of reasons why pentesting is important to small businesses. Let’s summarize them into four reasons:

  1. Enhanced Security: According to Bruce Schneier, penetration testing aims for “protection, detection, and response.” Pentesters find vulnerabilities by simulating hacker methods, allowing businesses to strengthen their defenses where needed.
  2. Valuable, Personalized Insights: Professional pentesters provide detailed, tailored reports with risk rankings and specific recommendations, unlike automated tests.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Small businesses must meet compliance regulations if handling sensitive data. Regular pentesting helps avoid fines and demonstrates a commitment to security.
  4. Establishing Trust: Pentesting reassures clients about your robust security measures. Being proactive showcases your dedication to security, making your business more trustworthy.

By addressing these areas, pentesting enhances your overall cybersecurity posture.

How We Can Help You With Pentesting

If you’ve decided that you’re ready to implement penetration testing into your business’s cybersecurity practices, Tokyo Techies can help conduct and create a pentest strategy unique to your needs!

Tokyo Techies provides comprehensive cybersecurity services, beyond just pentesting, including cloud architecture design and incident response. With our proven track record and industry certifications, our team is ready to help you with all your cybersecurity concerns. You can read more details on our cybersecurity offerings here.

Reach out to us today for a free consultation to explore how our tailored pentesting services, along with other cybersecurity solutions, can help your organization address your cybersecurity challenges!

Are you ready to strengthen your cybersecurity with comprehensive penetration testing?
Contact Tokyo Techies today for a free consultation and let us help you protect your business from cyber threats!
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